We are all created in God's image. God's first initiative, from his love, was and is to create. So should be ours. Whether we flesh out our inventiveness in media & technology, government, business, family, church, the arts or entertainment, or in some combination thereof, we nonetheless can see God's will being done on earth as it is in heaven through the Christlike thoughts of our transformed minds, the redeemed affections of hearts, and the faithful works of our hands!
1 - 2 - 3 Worship & Serve
At Garden City we believe that the Scriptures tell us to live our lives with three spectators in mind: God, The Church, and The Lost. Therefore, our work will make efforts to love and serve these three audiences--this is our worship unto God. To make it easy, we have two acronyms to remember our purpose both in Who We Are to Be (C.R.O.S.S.) and in What We Are to Do (R.E.A.C.H.):
To Be:
C.ommunity | God is united in a community of friendship and in how he relates. How we relate to him and each other in love should reflect his likeness.
R.easoning | God has a way of doing things. How we seek to conduct our homes, our churches, and ourselves in service to him and each other should reflect his likeness.
O.rganization | God has a way of organizing. How we seek to order our service and our worship in obedience to him and in mutual submission to each other should reflect his likeness.
S.cripture | God has a way truth. How we seek to believe and build our worldview should reflect his likeness.
S.ignature Mission | God has a way of leading. How we are to conduct our daily, weekly, monthly and yearly rhythms should be a fragrant offering that reflects his likeness to those within the church, and to the outsider.
To Do:
Our instruction, publication, production, and any other work we do should seek to serve in any time, in all places, and under any circumstance. We H.onor God in all things whose glory is our Joy. Through R.eaching and teaching where he's working, we will E.xperience him as we're walking within and throughout our daily rhythms, and will disciple people into A.ttaining the fullness of his words found in Scripture in character and creativity, while practically C.aring for the fatherless, the orphan and the widow.
Here's a Question For You to Ponder:
If all authority, power, and beauty were given to you, what would you do with it? Jesus, in his humble love, holding onto all authority, beauty, and power in the cosmos, church, and culture, used his might to serve. This is how we should use all that he gives to us.
“Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he had come from God and was going back to God, rose from supper. He laid aside his outer garments, and taking a towel, tied it around his waist. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel that was wrapped around him.”