Published Writing & Resources
by Dave Yauk
Join God’s people as they wander in the Book of Numbers. They experience the tendency of all of humanity; to think and live like slaves under their own power and under the influence of imperfect rulers. The only remedy to heal all of mankind and to bring us to freedom is NOT for us to reject Authority altogether, but to surrender to the leadership of a perfect ruler—Jesus is the only one that claims such a title!!
by Dave Yauk & Chris Jones
See All John Contributions
“Come along with Eli and Saba (Eli’s Grandfather) on a wild ride of storytelling and discovery, and learn about the real HERO of the Bible—Jesus!
by Dave Yauk
The Trinity is not just an "I" but a "We."
We, to the contrary, live in a modern age overwhelmed with personalized worship and discipleship methods. People roam about desperately trying to build their own fame and kingdoms all the while bearing the fruit of anxiety, stress, and burden. Deep within we know we are meant to point to something outside and greater than ourselves, but our attempts to give allegiance to lesser loves and benign kings sitting high on imaginary thrones has left us empty.
Trinity Worship sheds light on the perfection we're searching for. The word that best describes the pursuit of what is ultimate is worship.
Worship goes beyond just singing. It's a world word. It's an everything word. Who or what we honor as an authority, ruler, and as worthy of our trust, will determine how we handle all matters pertaining to home, work, and play. This book ponders deeply the creativity, family, and friendly nature of God and his kingdom in order to best describe how we as humans are to fully enjoy our existence.
The Trinity has a way he relates, a way he does things, a way he teachers and desires us to learn, an order for life, and a clear mission. By trusting in him, pointing to him, bowing to his reign, and following after his nature as we carry his image, we will bear the fruit of life, joy, and peace.
This short story is a parable of death and resurrection that is accompanied by our Parables music project. Read the teaser:
“Unable to move, trapped in an undisclosed predicament, she awakens only to discover that she has no idea who she is. The only way to find herself and undestand what’s happened to her is to follow the trail of markings left on her body. The only hope offered to finding a restored identity are the images of two lions bearing down across her chest.”
By Lauren Riggs & Dave Yauk, Illustrations by Chris Jones
“This is a captivating story about an ordinary boy who grows up making things out of wood, and playing make-believe around his favorite tree. Everything in life is so childlike and imaginative until one day he meets a different kind of Carpenter and learns that imagination, creativity, and skill, are about much more than just carving wood and making toys.”
by Dave Yauk
Life is not a controlled experiment. Life is a journey. It is my opinion that most discipleship models fail to embrace how the journey of everyday life can mature and grow us into mature followers of Christ. I suggest that we need a helpful metaphor or “parable” that can help us picture what discipleship looks like in all its colors, ups and downs, and ebbs and flows. Music can help!
by Dave Yauk
An epidemic of fallen leaders exists in our world today. Rather than exploiting people's failures or running from them, we should rather be focusing on how to heal and seek restoration.
But How?
This book aims to help you discover how to forgive yourself and/or others whom you have led or been led by in the past or present in order to actively imagine God’s way forward toward a prosperous future.
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